Best Believe

PEP TALK: What's The Rush | EP 36

Best Believe

This is an episode for anyone who is frustrated, on edge, or you're doing all the thing but nothing seems to be working,  … I believe this will be a great pep talk for what you're going through✨

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  - Intro beat x Sparxx

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Welcome to the best belief podcast. I'm your host McKayla today is going to be a pep talk. That is going to be super transformative for your life. I pray that it helps you change the way that you think and make decisions based on the word of God. If you're new here, this is a podcast where we communicate as if we're friends on the phone. As if I'm calling you just to have a conversation, give you some encouragement and tell you what's kind of going on in my life. you're going through the process with me as I'm growing in life, I've been through so much trauma. And have gone through such an intense healing journey. Where there are still parts of me that I'm still working on, that the Lord is still working on through me. And I'm just here to share it with you to help you. know, that you're not alone to help you realize that you can get through this too This is so that you can understand and know that after suffering comes restoration, So while I went through. Domestic violence and went through such a hard time throughout my entire life. I'm living in answered prayers. And this is a show you that. God is going to do the same for you. And give you that hope that you need to keep getting up and trying again every single day, even when it's hard, even when you don't want to, even when it feels like it's never going to get better, I'm here to show you. That it is possible. If you go to the beginning of this podcast. You will see how down bad I was, how I didn't even understand. Why was showing up on here? I just did it because God told me to. But I'm grateful that through my obedience, I've been able to help lead people and guide people closer to Christ through the holy spirit. Of course, utilizing my testimony and my love. To you. There has been a verse that has been on my heart and on my mind for the past two weeks. And what we're going to be covering today is John 15, one through 11. And soon you're going to know exactly why God placed this on my heart. I am the true, great vine. And my father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn't produce fruit and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit. So they will produce even more. Sometimes before more fruit grows, pruning has to occur. verse three, you have already been pruned and purified by the message I have given you. Remain in me. And I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit. If it is severed from the vine. And you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me. Yes, I am the vine. You are the branches. Those who remain in me and I in them will produce much fruit. For a part for me, you can do nothing. Uh, anyone who does not remain in me is thrown away like a useless branch and Withers such branches are gathered into a pile to be burned. But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask me for anything you want and it will be granted. When you produce much fruit. You are my true disciples. That brings great glory to my father. I have loved you even as the father has loved me. I remain in my love. When you obey my commandments, you remain in my love just as I obey my father's commandments and remain in his love. I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes. Your joy will overflow. I know that was a pretty long chunk of verses, but it is so important to engrave this word in your heart. Because apart from him, We can do nothing. Just imagine a vine. And then the branches coming off of it. If that branch is cut from the vine, it is removed from its source, which is what allows it to produce the fruit. So when we are cut off from our source, God. It is unlikely that we will produce long lasting fruit. But the word of God says we cannot bear fruit without him. So, what does the remaining in him look like? To me remaining in him. Looks like seeking him first, every single day. Uh, including him in our decisions, not moving on our own time because we're rushing and we're moving with urgency. Just to get something done when God isn't ready to provide it for you. And this is something that I've struggled with for sure. Because I'm growing my business, I'm building and creating and doing all these things. But as we're building and creating, we cannot fall off from our routines of seeking God, because this is how we remain fruitful and have the capacity to handle it. I notice when I fall off track with the word of God with not seeking him first. Everything seems unbearable and it seems like there's more weight that I'm carrying, but when I get back on track and. Start reading the word every day, every morning consistently, including him in my decisions. Playing his word while I'm in the car, talking to him throughout the day. I notice such a difference because I have more of a capacity to handle all the things that he's provided for me to do. And remaining in him allows me to have clarity and my next step. Allow me to not be in a place where God has already left. It allows me to move by his strength. It allows me to have the capacity to keep going. It allows me to not miss the moment. So the next time, when you feel frustrated, I want you to ask yourself, are you moving by your own strength? Are you moving by what you think that you should do? Or are you in the right heart posture? And the way that we are in the right heart posture is by remaining in him. So the goal is to remain in him. Always. Having him. As the foundation. So. Keeping him in your routine, even when life gets busier. not I'm moving on your own time, just because you want something to work out so bad. For example, like building a business, you want the business to work out so bad diet. You're staying up. So late at night, but you're not taking care of yourself. You're not taking care of your home. You're not treating your body. Right. You're eating any and everything. You start slacking on. The word you start slacking. On taking care of the people around you, you have to be able to manage what God has already provided you so that you can increase. But the only way for that to happen is to keep God at the center of our lives. Keep God in our hearts so that when we're remaining in him, he can remain in us. Uh, discipline is your freedom. When were remaining in his love. John 15 nine through 11. Remember it says to remain in his love and your joy will overflow. So sometimes because of the pressures of life or the pressures of wanting something to happen so bad, we can 10. To become anxious. We can tend to become sad because it just hasn't happened yet and you're waiting and waiting. But remember when we wait upon the Lord, our strength is renewed. We find joy in him. Instead of pursuing the thing, pursuing the money we pursue God. And those things will automatically be added onto us when the time is right. So do not rush, do not panic. But trust in him. Trust. In his ways. And remember that he is a God that does not lie. So if he gave you a promise, That promise is going to happen. And the process of this promise happening. Sometimes comes with pruning, which is cutting. So he may be shedding some things off of you, shedding things off of me. To prepare you for the promise, prepare you for your destiny, but it's going to take time. It's going to take grace. It's going to take God trusting you that when he gives you that thing, that you're wanting so bad. That you're not going to forget him and leave him behind. Because remember it says that we cannot be fruitful without him. Just as fast as he gives us something. Just as fast, he can take it away. So we're member, as you're moving forward in your day-to-day life, there is no rush. Yes. Be persistent. Yes. Build your discipline. Yes. Move with urgency if he tells you something, but don't let that be your idol. Don't put all your focus into that where you're starting to fall off on your habits, fall off on the things that God's already giving you falling off on your relationship, because he's going to give you everything. You need to be able to handle it and continue growing so that you do bear much fruit. I pray this episode helped. You, I hope that you have the most amazing week. And if this helped you in any way, please share with your friends and rate this podcast. Five stars. We are almost at 6,000 downloads, which is amazing because as you know, I fell off for. Maybe about a month and a half or two. And when I say fall off, I just mean I wasn't consistent. I was scared to show up, but here I am showing up for you. Because God gave me a word to share. And I know that I'm here to help bring you closer to Christ. And I thank you for being patient with me. I thank you for supporting me. And I thank you for every single person who has already rated this podcast, share those podcasts and people who take the time to take notes and do all the things I'm just so blessed to have you as. Someone that I can count on. And someone who is there for me. Especially on my tough days. Thank you for giving me all of the grace again. Thank you so much, and I hope you have the most amazing week. I'll see you next time.