Best Believe

Don't Overthink It | EP 35

Mikaela Johnson

This is an episode for anyone who has failed, messed up, ignored God, or scared to go for it … I believe this will be a great reminder and blessing for you✨

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Welcome to the Best Belief Podcast. I'm your host, Makayla, and today's episode is going to be so amazing. This is an episode for anyone who has failed, who has messed up, ignored God, who has been scared to go for it. I truly believe that this is going to be a great reminder and blessing for you. By the end of this, you're going to have five practical tips, purpose driven action that you can apply in your life so that you don't overthink it. And that's what today's episode is named. Don't overthink it, which has been me the past few months. I have not released an episode in a while and that is because I allowed myself To build up fear of showing up once I missed a week then I was like, oh my gosh It's too late allowed the enemy to attack my thoughts attack my mind and that is not okay God called me to this platform to share my testimony to share how he Continuously brings me through and I really had to realize that it's not about me It's about who God has called me to serve. And a lot of the times when we overthink it, it's because we have these beliefs that we feel like disqualifies us from the path that he has already written for us. But sometimes our focus is centered on how people will perceive us or the unknown of how it's going to work out, being so fixated on the outcome that you just don't even start. And again, that was me. I was so fixated on how all of you guys would perceive me for not showing up. And I started to allow comparison to get in my mind. Oh my gosh, there's all these other Christian podcasts who speak and talk so much better than I do. But I had to realize that God, Qualifies the unqualified. He didn't call me to this podcast because he just believed I was such a great speaker. And he called me because this is just what he anointed me to do. And over time. Um, I can build that skill, but we all start somewhere, which made me think back to when this podcast started and why it took me so long was because I got in my head over thinking, comparing myself, doubting myself. And it kind of was like a rerun. And I got myself out of that place because I just knew and had this strong burning desire to show up. And I did not feel fulfilled until I pressed play today. And I, I truly am grateful for all of you who have continued to support me, to download, to share, because this podcast has still been booming while I was gone and it was more than I would ever expect. I never believed or thought that people would actually listen to what the Lord has given me to say. And I'm just honored. I'm so honored and thankful for your trust and even more grateful. that you're here continuing to support me despite my leave of absence. So I just want to share that we have to shift our focus from the anxiety, from the overwhelm, from the fear, from the excuses and focus on who we're helping when you continue to show up and say yes. Cause remember my yes is what's helping you guys. Someone else's yes is what's helping me get through. There are moments where your greatness has not been revealed yet, internally or externally. Think about Moses. Think about Joseph. Think about Jesus. This is the moment that you do the thing that is uncomfortable. This is the moment that you do the thing that terrifies you. This is the moment that you stop talking yourself out of your calling. This is the moment that you display your faith by what you do. This is the moment that you trust God in all ways and allow Him to use you, even when you don't understand the why. Because if the road was clear, You wouldn't need faith. Where there is desire, there is pain. Failure is gonna happen, but there's no true failure until you give up. And I didn't give up. I was resilient. And you know what? I may be judged for it. But at the end of the day, I cannot worry about what a man says, but only worry about what God says because he is the one directing my steps and leading me in the right direction and I'm holding your hand and bringing you along with me because remember we're figuring this out together. I don't know everything there is to know about life, but what I do know is that I have Strength, because God gave me that strength and you have that strength too. And after time passes, you grow through the pain. Your desire starts to become so strong that the pain will start to go away. Giving you the courage to try again. What is something that you can have the courage to try again? I had growing pains throughout this past few months, but I still had that desire. I talked myself out of showing up. Just because it's been so long and I didn't even know how to explain why I've been gone and Let you guys down. That's like something terrible that I felt inside that I feel like I let you down But my desire just became so strong that it gave me that courage to try again It gave me that courage to show up not caring about what anyone else has to say about me But knowing that Me showing up will help inspire at least one person to show back up too, and whatever it is that they stopped, or they feel like they let down, or they feel like they failed at or messed up at, and I still have growing pains. But I have the desire to keep going. Every time you fail, you gain the insight to do better next time. I still have vision for this podcast. I still have hope for this podcast. I just recently did a branding shoot because I'm revamping this entire thing. And I didn't want to walk into this new season of commitment, of consistency without Rebranding this entire podcast. And this is the third time I've done it. When you start something new, sometimes you don't know what you're doing, but you figure it out along the way. And that's exactly what I'm doing with this podcast. While I know how to film, while I know how to edit, I don't know exactly what I want or how I want the cover to look. But you know, I just keep trying until something just sits right and feels good for me. But I want to cover a verse with you, Matthew 13, 24 through 30. Here's another story Jesus told the kingdom of heaven is like a father who planted good seed in his field but that night as the worker slept his enemy came and planted weeds among the wheat then slipped away when the crop began to grow and produce grain the weeds also grew the farmers workers went to him and said sir the field where you planted that good seed is full of weeds where did they come from An enemy has done this, the farmer explained. Should we pull out the weeds, they asked. No, he replied. You'll uproot the wheat if you do. Let both grow together until the harvest. Then, I will tell the harvesters to sort out the weeds, tie them into bundles, and burn them, and to put the wheat in the barn. How many times have you followed what God said and the enemy slipped in a doubtful thought in your mind or all things broke loose in your life? But that is exactly what he does. And this verse is a great representation of if you pull out The wheat too early if you quit and give up too early, you're going to uproot that blessing But sometimes you just have to allow the enemy to do what he does Have the confidence in God knowing that what he promised you is gonna come true Anyway, what you know is that he's going to bring you through and the victory is already won When you keep moving by that and trust and have faith in God's word, you will not uproot the blessing. You just have to keep going and as you know, when it's a harvest, it takes time. So sometimes that struggle may be there for a while, but every season changes. Nothing lasts forever. You might be under attack by the enemy, but God is calling you. You might be struggling to get by, but God is calling you. You might be talked about by other people, but God's calling you. You might feel conflicted and unworthy, but God is calling you. Don't overthink it. Don't overthink it. Here are five practical tips and purpose driven action that you can apply in your life and what has helped me show up today. Number one, cultivate a positive attitude. Focus on solutions rather than problems. It starts with our thoughts. You gotta train your mind to focus on the positive and to look for the good in every situation. Because life and death is in our tongue. And what we speak comes from our thoughts, which roots from our heart. So we must fill ourselves with God's word and God's truth every day to cultivate those positive thoughts and that positive attitude. Number two, emotional resilience.