Best Believe

PEP TALK: Being Alone, Being In Transition | EP 34

Mikaela Johnson

This episode is for you if you aren’t where you used to be but you’re not where you want to be. Being in transition can feel lonely and discouraging, but I want to give you a new perspective✨
  In this episode we discuss:
 - Proverbs 10:25
 - How being in transition helps you build a solid foundation
 - The importance of moving on Gods timing
 - How we can unintentionally uproot our blessings
 - An analogy to change your perspective on being alone
 - How placing your worth in blessings can occur and how to prevent it
 - The importance of preparation 
 - My personal struggle with being in transition, and being alone


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- - - - -
  - Intro beat x Sparxx
  - Verse of the day x Emanuel Da Prophet

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Welcome to the BEST BELIEVE podcast. My name is MIKAELA I am your host, and this is a word for somebody out there who is not where they used to be. But they are not where they want to be. I personally can relate to this so much and I felt it so strong to talk about it in this moment, at this exact time. So for whoever is in transition, this pep talk is for you. You might feel like you do not know what to do in this season because in this season of transition, this is normally where we feel all alone because. You've outgrown your old environment. You've outgrown your old friends and. Your old friends might make you feel bad for changing and progressing and wanting to do better for yourself. And that doesn't mean that they're bad people. It just means. There comes a time. Especially in God's timing where people just start to fall off. That is because you are in transition into your next season, into your next phase of your life. I don't want you to look at this in a negative light. But I want you to change your perspective. And In this season where you're feeling alone while you're in transition of being not where you used to be, but not where you want to be. You get to a point where you're asking yourself why. Do I not have anyone to be around. You're going through a season of circumcision where the friends that you're going to have, you might not be ready to be around them. And because God loves them just as much as he loves you. He's going to allow you to go through a crushing period where he's breaking you down. Where he's wanting you to seek him understand and learn who you are in him. Where you can manage and not be the reason why this friendship that he has destined for you does not work out because sometimes when we have not built a solid foundation, we can tend to self-sabotage ourselves. Within the blessing that God has provided for us. Now you might be thinking, so what do I do? It is time in the season of transition to build your solid foundation. And if you think about a seed. If the seed is not planted in the right environment, it is not going to grow. If you place a seed on a tile floor, it will not grow. If you place a seed on concrete, it is not going to grow. You may place a seed in soil, but there are thorns. It is going to be choked out and it will not grow to its full capability. But if you replant the seed into soil that is filled with nutrients, where it's in a great environment and it's getting light from the sun. It is going to grow. But first you have to keep in mind. That before it can grow up, it grows down. And while these roots are growing and going down. Nobody can see the work that is being done before that first sprout pops up above the soil. I want you to think about that within yourself. In the season of transition. No one can see what it is that you're doing and what's truly going on. And I don't want you to feel discouraged. But this is where you build your roots. This is where you create. And have that solid foundation. So that. Once it's time to reap, harvest and grow up and get to the place where you want to be, where you are destined to be. You will be able to manage it and you will be able to handle it. Even when the storms come. So while you're in the season of being alone, I want you to learn who God truly is. Which only allows you to be who you were chosen to be. It allows you to walk in that. It allows you to continue to show up every single day, no matter what someone else says about you, because you know who you are, you know what God has promised you, you know, that despite what anyone else has to say, whatever weapon comes against you, you know, it will not prosper. You're able to walk in this type of confidence that you will have never experienced before until you understand who God is. Understanding that he is your father, understanding that he is going to take care of you. But it's hard. To do that. If you do not have that solid foundation and be in the knowing. Because being in the knowing allows you to bear the fruit. But if you bear the fruit and act before a firm foundation, you will be uprooted or place your worth in the harvest or the things that you have. Or the opportunity that you may have gotten versus the God who gave it to you. So when there's a loss, you get depressed, you get sad and it becomes a repeated cycle. Of you moving on your own. You having instant gratification. You being happy. You losing it. You getting depressed. Instead of knowing who God is. Being who God has called you to be. Walking in it. Reaping a harvest. And even when it's gone, even when you lose it, It's never truly lost because God is going to replace it. A thousand fold, a hundred fold. And, you know, and trust in that because God never lies. And because you know who he is. You understand? That if it's gone, it was never meant to be anyway. And you've outgrown it. All of this allows you to change your perspective, and this will really allow you to manage and not be up rooted when the storm comes, because I storm is going to come. It is inevitable. But what can you do? You can prepare and you cannot move on your own timing, but in God's timing, And in this season of transition, you may have to encourage yourself. And you might even be tempted to go back where you were just because it's easier. And you don't have to get uncomfortable. You might even start to doubt if you're even capable of getting to where you want to be. So you start to backtrack. You start to provide an open door for your friends to continue to hit you up, that you used to have an open door to allowing yourself to go out, to drink to whatever the thing is. But I want you to know. That this cycle is only going to continue. As long as you let it, you have to make a decision. The you are willing to change. You are willing. To walk towards the destiny that he has called you for. And this whole entire message means a lot to me. Because I remember before I was walking with Christ. I was trying to find a mastermind group to help me build all these businesses, run it, but I looked around and my surroundings and I had nobody really who. Was willing to put in the work who had the same mindset as me. They were complacent and comfortable and where they were, and wasn't willing to work towards something better. And in that moment, I realized, okay, I have to do something about this and I didn't know how. I just started making small steps and doing the best thing that I knew how to do. And even in the beginning, when I started walking with Christ and I moved to Dallas and I was around my friends that I've known for over 10 years. I realized that there were a lot of them that I've outgrown. I was being invited out to the club. And because my foundation was not very firm, I still went and I found myself being backtrack. I found myself being convicted and. Being told that I'm not supposed to be there. I knew I wasn't supposed to be there and I just kept going. But I hadn't placed myself in the position. To have the knowledge or the encouragement from someone to lead me in the right direction. And there would be a point in time where I would put my foot down and say, Hey, please do not invite me to these kinds of surroundings. Please do not tell me about the nights where you're doing X, Y, Z, because it makes me want to go back. And over time I was continually being invited to them, even though I asked them not to. So just remember not everyone is going to support your decision. And not everyone is going to have a full understanding. But now that you have me. You don't have to do this by yourself. You don't have to encourage yourself. Because I'm here, I'm encouraging you. I'm here with you. I get it. And now I'm in a season where. Oh, my gosh. I look around at my surroundings and I am surrounded by people. Who uplift me, who support me? Who helped me grow? Who I can do business with and grow the kingdom with. But I had to go through the season of transition and build my foundation. An order to handle and manage the relationships that I have now. Because of my roots did not grow deep. I would have uprooted the blessing. Because I would have done something, whatever it could have been and ruined. What was provided to me and that's not going to happen to you. Because your going to make the decision. To sit in this place. Of being alone. Because it might not be your time yet. But it will. And for whoever continues to listen and you know, this season's always change. You go through suffering. But it's only for a short amount of time. And it will always lead to restoration. So in these moments, Where you want to go backwards. Where you want to do the thing that's easy. Remind yourself that it's bigger than you. That you can do this. You are capable. God wouldn't have called you to it. If you weren't able to do it. I want to leave you with this verse, Proverbs 10 25. When the storms of life come, the wicked, our world away. But the godly have a lasting foundation. And I kind of want to replace the words. When the storms of life come. Those who do not have a firm foundation, get world away. But the godly. The ones who did the work. I have a lasting foundation. If you have any time in your day, I want you to go ahead and look that scripture up in the Bible, just to get more context. And find your own interpretation, pray and ask God to reveal anything that needs to be shown to you. To help you out in the current season. Now you're in, especially if it's a season of transition. For those who have purchased the best believe gratitude, prayer journal. I am so proud of you. You all are tagging me on Instagram showing me your writings and how much you love it and how you're making it a part of your morning routine. I'm so proud of you. I'm so excited for you. And if you haven't already, you should go ahead and check it out. You can find it on Amazon. Under best believe gratitude, prayer journal. Or you can click the link in the show notes. This journal is meant to help you have a God-centered morning and evening routine. And so fit time in your day to seek him first. Because this is only going to allow you to live a life of fulfillment. And really understand who you are in him. Again, I thank you for tuning in. We are almost at a year. I have this podcast. I never thought I would have made it here, but here I am. God, he sustained me. He restored me. He continues to provide me increase. And I want that to happen for you. And sometimes. It doesn't feel like I've had increased because of my eyes tricking me of what I currently see. But he's done so much for me every single day. And this journal has helped me see that. And I just continue to take those steps forward. And the journey that he has for my life. And I know that you will too. Keep your faith do not doubt. Do the hard. Because going back. It's just as hard. As moving forward. But let's make the decision that is going to serve you in the long run. The one that's going to leave you to a life. Where you're filled with joy and not filled with sorrow. Best believe you are capable best believe you are built for the vision that God has placed over your life. And you won't be in the season long. I love you. I pray that this pep talk. Was something that you needed. Until next time.