Best Believe

Change is Necessary | EP 33

Mikaela Johnson

Has there ever been a decision you had to make that would change the course of your life? Do you struggle listening to God when He tells you to make a change? This episode is for you✨
 In this episode we discuss:
- Matthew 6:33
- The importance of listening to God despite not understanding the how
- How change is necessary in your walk with Christ
- The feelings I had before and after of making a life altering decision 
- Why you don’t have to have it all figured out
- 4 tips to help you lean on God in tough times
- The importance of redirection  
- How stubbornness can lead to destruction
- Prayer for your journey


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 - Intro beat x Sparxx
 - Verse of the day x Emanuel Da Prophet

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Welcome to the best blue podcast. I'm your host McKayla. I pray that you have been so amazing. And if you haven't just know that it is going to get better. Whenever you feel yourself losing faith. Whenever you feel yourself doubting. Lean on God, because he is going to lift you up. He's going to provide you the strength you need in whatever season you're in. And I remember being that person in a really, really low season, who wasn't close to God. At all basically. And it's almost been a year since God told me to get up and leave Seattle to move to Dallas. What reminded me of that journey is a video that popped up on my feed on Instagram. From when I traveled and drove through all of these states just to get to Dallas. Not having an idea of where I was going to end up. I just knew that God needed me to take the first step this is going to be such an important episode to give you hope and give you faith on your own personal journey. That whatever God is telling you to do, whether it's just to spend more time with him and seek him first. Whether it's to take that first step towards starting a business, whether it's to get up, pack everything you've ever known and head out to somewhere else where you know absolutely nobody, this episode is going to be for you. I spoke on this very briefly. In episode one, I just talked about how scared I was that I started this podcast. I didn't know what I was doing, but I did it anyway. And I didn't understand why God chose me. But now I do. In two days, it will have been a full year since I moved into this apartment. Which, by the way, I didn't know I was going to have, when I left Seattle. So I just want to dive more deep into the feelings that I was having at that point in time in my life. And where I am now and how you can get to this point as well. When I was living in Seattle, I was going through a really tough time. I was just learning how to find. Beauty in life because I really. Didn't want to live. And I was just doing the best that I could every single day to show up, to relearn how to do things that I was previously able to do. That was really hard on me at the time, because I'm trying to edit content and post five videos a day like I did before. But before I did those things out of hatred, out of scarcity, out of fear, and to distract myself from what was really going on. So after going through the tough time, after going through domestic violence, after almost dying. I'm trying to learn how to live in peace. And I really wasn't truly at peace. I did surrender. So I thought at the time, but what I've realized is that there's layers. To the journey and walking with Christ and walking in righteousness. And the layer that I was on is I really thought. I was living for him, but I wasn't, I didn't have the mentorship. I didn't have the guidance. And I didn't have any type of representation. That I knew of that I could fall on to, to ask questions and just to have guidance on how to live. So at that time, I honestly still was engaging in smoking. I was engaging in sin and a lot of drinking. And that only filled the void for so long. I have a video on my phone where. I was crying and smoking at the same time and telling me myself, I don't get. Why nothing is working. I think I'm just going to go ahead and listen to God and listen, and do what he told me to do, which was drop everything, give up everything and go to Dallas. My first initial thought was that everyone is going to view me. Like I failed because most of my friends moved away and that's what all of our dreams were together. But they're actually very successful in what they're doing. Ones on TV and one's making a lot of money doing this. And then it's so many things that I started to compare myself about. And it's just like, we all have different paths to take. And this is the path that was chosen for me. I was also terrified of going back to the place where I was hurt. Knowing that I was going to be close to the abuser. Even though he didn't know where I was going to be. It's still terrified me. But in that time, God used people to change my mind, to convince me, to bring me home. He used sermons to influence my mind. To initiate change in my thinking. There were so many things that he was doing behind the scenes. That if I didn't look back on an analyze and reflect, then I wouldn't have caught onto that. And when I'm in a tough time, now I try to remember like, okay, the McKayla from a year ago. was in such a dark place in her mind. And in her season. That if I can make it through that with God's strength. And I'm not even actively seeking him. Just think about how much he's going to continue to show up for me. The urges from the holy spirit became so strong that I couldn't do anything, but listen. I finally picked a date and I said, all right, I'm packing up all my stuff and I'm going. No questions asked. I ended up calling my mom. I let her know that I was coming home. And then I was told, okay, well, where are you going to stay? Because your dog and my dog do not get along. And it's not so much Mylo, which is my dog. It's more so her dog, Louie Louie was rescue and he does not like other dogs at all. He's very aggressive. And Milo gets on his nerves. So Milo gets attacked all the time. When we're there. So there was no way I was going to be able to live there. But I didn't let that stop me. I just got up, packed up my car and then I left. Like I said, I didn't have a place to stay. So I applied for somewhere. Maybe a day or two before I left and I was waiting to get approved. And as I was driving back. Through all of the states, seeing all the beautiful scenes I'm crying. Profusely. I'm so sad. I'm like, oh my gosh, everything is about to change. I had so much uncertainty going on. I didn't even know where I was going. I just started driving and that's kind of the same with. Our dreams, right. It's kinda like the lamp in the car. You don't know what's around the corner until you turn, you just have faith. And know that something is going to be there. So that was me showing God that I had faith in him. And despite me not having any money, despite me not having any type of job. They accepted me at the apartment complex. And keep in mind, I got a month free off of the first month's rent. And they didn't ask me for proof of income. That is God. That is nothing else. I was so broke at the time. That I sat there in my car and I slept in my car because I didn't have enough money to get a hotel. And I was so close to spending my last$40 on gas. I texted my family, asking them to help me out with gas. But I didn't even want to have to do that. I was perfectly fine. Being comfortable and complacent. Where I was at. And I started to get really grumpy and just upset at how my life was just mad. Like, oh my gosh. If it wasn't for this situation, I wouldn't be in this place right now. If I wasn't so mentally unstable at the beginning of the year, I wouldn't have spent all my money. And now here I am, I can't even afford gas. Oh, my gosh. I put my trust in the wrong person. They said they would help me and give me a hundred dollars to spend on gas for me to get home. But then when I text him and say, Hey, I have$40 left. Can you send the money? They ghost me and don't talk to me. I was so bothered. And in distress, I was in an unexpected circumstance, aKA a crisis. In that moment, I had to make a decision. Am I going to let this keep me stuck in this mind frame? Or am I going to keep my focus on the Lord? So I am at peace. Knowing that he is going to provide for me and what he has called me to do. And now that it's been a year since I listened and I took that step on faith. I wanted to show you. How much my life has changed. I've strengthened my relationship with the Lord. Like no other, I received the holy spirit. I was given the gift of tongues, the gift of vision. The gift of prophesying. These are things that I didn't know that I had. And I recently found out that I've always had visions. And that is one of the reasons why. The enemy has been trying to take me out and attack me for so long. And I'm just so grateful that I'm being revealed. You know, why. My life has just felt so hard all of the time. Why? I feel like I'm constantly attacked. Why people continually betray me, even though I give nothing but love to them. It still happens and it's going to continue to be hard, but it's easier to handle everything that's going on around me, because my mind is at peace. I'm in a mentally great space. Knowing that I may be in a dark season, but my mind is not in a dark place. And I continually say that just to give you perspective that that is something that is possible for you. God re directed my path. But I had to get in the positioning and let go of what I had in mind. And accept what he had in mind. But I had to be open to it in order to receive it. When he said, move. I moved. I didn't know where I was going. I walked blind. And in the end, everything changed for me. Which is why change is necessary. It's being ahead of the change. Instead of allowing the change to change you. Are you coming with me? Because I'm going to keep moving forward. And I know that you came to. When his presence comes into your life, You can't go backwards. For me, I couldn't go back. There was nothing left for me. In that dark place that I was in. Within this year. Of living in Dallas, I've met so many amazing people. He pushed me to start a podcasting course. That was released. He's allowed me to mentor. So many of you. in walking in righteousness and walking in faith and not doubting. Helping you make it through these tough situations, these tough circumstances. That I didn't have anyone for, he's allowed me to be there and show up for you in that aspect. And I'm so honored. I'm so grateful. And I'm thankful that you trust me enough to hear what I have to say. And do something with what I'm sharing with you. The cherry on top is God pushing me to write this gratitude prayer journal. Which is something that I have been doing this entire year. I just been doing it on random pieces of paper and I'm always like, oh, I should do this, but it wasn't the right timing for obviously now was the right timing. And within this journal, it helps you seek him first, every single day. It focuses on gratitude. It focuses. On journal prompts to help you analyze your actions. Analyze your decisions and understand the thought process that you have as you continue to be more like Christ and work towards that. This journal. Is going to help you with fulfillment and creating joy in your life and really working towards walking in that destiny that he has for you. I've put so much into it. And I'm blessed that he chose me to provide this for you. Best believe gratitude, prayer journal. Stands on the verse, Matthew 6 33, seek the kingdom of God above all else and live righteously. And he will give you. Everything that you need. It's going to help you prioritize seeking God and walking in your destiny. It's going to allow you to create a close and intimate relationship with God. And I know that seeking him can be so tough when you're busy and you have such a chaotic schedule, but this is going to allow you to overcome that challenge. This is a tool to help you break through that internal struggle. And truly become the person. That God has destined you to be. There are so many of us who have so much stress and negativity going on in our lives. This journal is going to redirect your attention towards God's grace. His love, his sovereignty. Knowing that with just five minutes of your time, five minutes, you guys. God can transform your life from stress and burden. To freedom and peace. I want to tell you some things that you're going to discover within this journal. You're going to have daily thought provoking journal prompts. With undated entries. These journal prompts are going to help you understand. And analyze your thoughts, your actions and your decisions. So by the end of this book, you will look and behave. And think more like Christ. There's also going to be a daily verse. That's going to be different every single day, as well as the journal prompt, you're going to have space to record prayer requests, a space to write when God has answered your prayer, because he is so good. And I know that he is going to provide blessings for you taking time out of your day and sacrificing for him. He is going to provide for you. There will be a place to record biblical truth over your life. You're going to have a God-centered morning and evening. And you're going to be able to write your goals to propel you forward in your destiny, where God is taking you. It's going to really allow you to get centered. On what it is that is important in your life. You will also have a weekly notes to self, which is going to be reminders and encouragement to help you. Stay focused and stay on track in your journey. And it's going to allow you to really have self-discovery. Really understanding things of your past understanding. How you're feeling and where you are mentally right now and how you can progress forward. in joy. There are so many of you who have been here on best believed throughout this entire journey. With me, since this podcast was started. 11 months ago. And I have overcame what seemed to be the impossible, but God does the impossible. Regardless of where you are on your journey. This journal is for any, and everybody, if you know of someone who may need this, get one for them and give it to them as a Christmas gift, we have Christmas coming up or you can just give as a birthday gift or just to give you know, I personally love thoughtful gifts for people just surprise me out the blue. That makes me so happy. And I try to do the same for other people. Maybe if that's you, this is a good idea. I also talk about salvation. I snuck it in there. And the book just in case someone who doesn't truly know Christ receives this book, it allows them. To really understand who Christ is and accept Jesus into their heart. I really felt it in my heart to put that in there just in case, because you really never know. Who was inspired just by seeing you do something. Anyway. Whether you're currently facing a crisis. Maybe you just have no idea where to start and growing that relationship with the Lord. Maybe you're a seasoned believer and you just need help getting back on track. Or you're doing well. And you just want to make sure that you stay on this path of being dedicated. This book best believe it has meant for you. And again, I'm so grateful. We get to do this journey together. I really, really, really am. This is your reminder that you don't have to have it all figured out. I didn't have any of this figured out when I first moved to Dallas. I still don't have a figure it out now. I need God every single day to help me through the day. And I noticed when I don't see come first, how grumpy I am. I know Jesus, but I'm not perfect. I want to end this episode with four tips on how to lean on God and tough seasons. Declare a biblical truth over your circumstance to combat the lies of the enemy. You can put the scripture on a sticky note, write it on your mirror. I know we've spoke about this before, but it is highly critical that you do this when you're in a really tough,season. Number two, find you find someone in the Bible going through your trial and analyze how God always showed up for them. Because remember if he did it before he can do it again. I love that song by Tye Tribbett. So have you never heard that? If he did it before he could do it again? Listen to that. Number three, Share your trial with a mentor, community or friends so they can support you in this season. Number four, praise him in the midst of chaos to shift your focus, because this is your weapon against the enemy. One thing God will do is show up. Seeking him during a crisis is easy to do and easy not to do. But it does make a difference, trust and believe. That God is present with you in every single season, but whether it's filled with joy or sadness, Know that he gives you the power to make it through. You might be flying in a turbulence. So I now getting hit by birds left or right. Getting distracted. But. Utilize these tips that I just gave you. I utilize my testimony that I just provided to you and lean into God in those tough times. So he can help you fly above the storm where the light is. I'm sending you all of the love. If this episode helped you in any way, please share it with whoever needs it and make sure to rate this podcast five stars. So we can be sent out and suggested to those who need to hear what God has done in my life. And what God continues to do. If you're interested in this gratitude prayer journal, I will drop the link in the show notes, or you can search it on Amazon. As best believe gratitude, prayer journal. I love you. And I know that you can make it through. He is with you every single step of the way. I want you to look up Psalms one 19 verse 1 0 5. Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Views his light to guide you in the midst of the darkness. And for a further elaboration on this verse you have got to check out episode 28, how to make a terrible season. Not feel so bad. I want to pray over you. I want to pray over your courage. Your vulnerability. In your commitment to walk in his direction. Dear Heavenly father? Thank you for allowing us to go through all of the things in our lives. The things that we have no understanding about, but it has shaped us into who we are today. We thank you that you're utilizing what the enemy meant for evil and turning it into good for your glory. Thank you for the love and the guidance that you have over our lives. Thank you for redirecting us when we're going in the wrong direction. I understand. That our thoughts are not your thoughts and your ways are not our ways. Thank you. For being so mighty and magnificent. And having that understanding of what is best for us. Because sometimes we're stubborn and we believe that we know the way. Thank you for leading the way every step that we take. Thank you for providing us peace. In the midst of darkness in the midst of chaos. Thank you for being that person that takes that burden away and off of us so that we don't have to feel the weight anymore. Lord. I thank you that our past does not dictate our destiny. So father I pray that you touch whose heart is listening. And give them the strength, the courage, the wisdom, the knowledge, the vulnerability that they need in this season. And that they understand that you have given us the power to overcome. You have given us the power to walk in a space of uncertainty, because all we have to do is trust you. Trusting you father. Can seem more simple. Than what it actually is. It's a letting go of our flesh and knowing that you are solver. That you are overall things. And now we don't have to worry about anything. Thank you for showing up. In our darkest moments. And thank you for providing. in the ones that are filled with joy. We you. We glorify you. We're grateful that you meet us where we're at. And I pray that every single person who's listening. Takes their first step. And comes with me. To walk into our destiny that you have chosen for us. In Jesus' name? I pray. Amen.