Best Believe

Finding Faith in Podcasting: What You Should Know Before Starting a Podcast | EP 32

mikaela johnson

Have you ever thought about starting a podcast? This episode is for you! I will be sharing 10 key things you need to know before getting started. You must tune in, especially if you're interested in starting a business in the near future. Best Believe these principles and mindsets will serve your day to day life. ✨

In this episode we discuss:
- Habakkuk 2:2-4
- The importance of helping others out of a space you overcame
- How podcasting has more than enough space for you
- The importance of focusing on your impact versus analytics
- How you don't have to break the bank to start, and what to do instead
- What it truly means to start small to avoid overwhlm and burnout
- Why defining what you're truly doing a podcast for will help you show up when it gets hard
- Mindset shift to help you build your belief system and go for what is on your heart
- Your special VIP offer to launch a podcast you're proud of: HERE


- Need help in your walk with Christ? Book a 1:1 mentorship call HERE
-  FREE Held Captive: The Path To Freedom E-Book:  HERE
- Want to ask me a question? Send a DM to Best Believe's Instagram
- Let's connect:
- Crisis and distress relief: Made By The Word Podcast
- Get healthy with me & earn income: HERE

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- 15% off Descript: HERE
- Need help in your walk with Christ? Book a 1:1 mentorship call HERE
- FREE Held Captive: The Path To Freedom E-Book:  HERE
- Want to ask me a question? Send a DM to Best Believe's Instagram
- Let's connect:
- Crisis and distress relief: Made By The Word Podcast

- Please make sure to leave 5 stars if I helped inspire you in any way😭💗
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- Intro beat x Sparxx
- Verse of the day x Emanuel Da Prophet

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Welcome to the Best Belief Podcast. I am your host, mikaela. In Texas, it has finally cooled down and I am so excited for the wintertime. I don't know if you guys know, but in Texas, the summer of 2023... It has been in the hundreds for weeks, and I'm just so grateful and ready to put on my hoodies and my puffer coats and my boots. And around this time of the year is when we start thinking about all of the things that we want to do next year in the year of 2024 in our case. But I just want to encourage you and remind you that it's never too late to start now. You can do things now to prepare you for next year. If you've ever wanted to start a podcast or ever had a thought about it, ever had that gut feeling in your stomach that just won't go away, this is the perfect episode. For you, and even if you've never wanted to start a podcast, maybe you just want some more info or you want to utilize some key things to incorporate into your business, into your brand, into your life. This is still going to be a great episode for future reference. I want to read over a verse, which I had to look up how to say this name because I did not want to mispronounce it. So I might say it a little funny because I'm repeating it how Google said it. Habakkuk. Okay. Habakkuk 2, 2 through 4. Then the Lord answered me and said, Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it will speak and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it, because it will surely come. It will not tarry. Behold the proud, his soul is not upright in him, but the just shall live by his faith. The Holy Spirit brought this verse to me as I was thinking about what scripture am I going to talk about on today's podcast episode pertaining to business? Because as we move forward and we have these things that we really want to do with our lives that we believe is walking into our purpose, we must make sure that he gets all of the glory. Really understanding what is the reason behind why you're doing something is How you'll be able to sustain whatever it is that you have on your heart to do. And when we write the vision and make it plain, it gives us a task, something to shoot for where there is no bullseye, where there is no target, you're going to miss every single shot. Which is why my encouragement to you is to really sit down at some point today, or even if it's just a thought in your mind, what is it that you really want to do in this world? Are you wanting to inspire, wanting to share your testimony, wanting to do something that helps bring people out of the space that you were just in? Maybe you're currently in a space and you're trying to think of ways that will make your heart fulfilled and will please God as you're doing it. And you're really still trying to figure out who you are in him. Look, I'm your girl and I'm here to help you. And I want to encourage you to go back and listen to the beginning of best belief. Because you can really hear the pain in my voice. You can see how far I've come and how much God has brought me through. He has brought me through so many things. But I had a vision. I had a goal written on a piece of paper. And even if I failed, I still got up and tried every single day to be 1 percent better. And I know that you can too. As I was telling you in episode 31, I dropped a podcast course, Pods You're Proud Of, and I've gone through so much trial and error. Whenever I was launching my podcast, this podcast Best Believe in just four weeks. And as you know, I was so nervous to do this. I was terrified that I was going to be judged. I really was scared to talk about God. I really didn't know what all I had in me, but because I was obedient to God, it allowed my feelings to catch up to what my purpose is and what he really had for me. I really want you to take these things to heart because at the end of the day, it's up to you to make the decision to walk in your destiny. Here are 10 key things to know before you start a podcast. Number one. Podcasting is not oversaturated. I was looking at some stats from the podcast host, and there are 4 million podcasts registered, and only 400, 000 are active. That means that's 10%. There is so much space. It's for you and you are unique in your own way. No one can say it how you say it. No one can do it how you do it, but what I noticed and what really stood out to me is that most people quit within their podcast, which is why it's really important to build a solid foundation. Number two, know your why and who it's for. When you know your why, it creates consistency and sustainability for your show because this allows you to understand what you're showing up for, which will provide direction and the push. For your heart to keep going and fighting through the hard because it will get hard. Your motivation won't always be here and continuing to show up even when the feeling that you made the decision and has left builds confidence within you, allowing you to build that consistency. And I don't want you to show up for the wrong reasons because that's not something that's going to keep you going. When I was in nursing school, all of the people who wanted to be a nurse to make money instead of doing it because they actually love to help people ended up flunking out because that love for money wasn't enough to help them continue to show up for the test, continue to push through all the tough times and the mindset that they needed to be able to graduate. number three, it's a marathon, not a sprint. When you're first starting your podcast, it is very, very normal to not see the analytics reflect the greatness of your podcast in the beginning. I want you to remember it is normal. You have to be willing to have the discipline to show up despite what your eyes can see. So that means having faith and celebrating the small wins along the way. Success to me is impacting one person, changing one life, saving one soul, and leading them to Jesus versus the amount of downloads I receive. You have to remember who you're showing up for and have faith in what you're creating and putting out into the world. Because if you're showing up, Just for the analytics, you're gonna be burnt out very, very quick. Really understand who you are doing this for. Which is why it's a marathon and it's not a sprint. Too much is given, much is required. Let's just say you had an overflow of downloads. Would you have the mindset? Would you have the habits? Would you have the workflow to be able to sustain and handle that? That's something to really think about when you're wishing for something else versus being centered in where you are and being appreciative of those small things that happen when you first start your podcast because every one download is one person one person Number four, know why someone should listen to your podcast over someone else. There are so many podcasts out there that you may love and you think that copying their show because you like it is going to make you stand out, but this doesn't give you the opportunity to be unique. And to show your greatness, if you aren't standing out or clearly able to articulate what makes you, you, what makes your podcast so amazing and different, why wouldn't they just listen to the person who you were inspired by that you copied? And it may have been an accident. But this is just something to keep in mind when you start a podcast. I know when I started my podcast, I love listening to empower her, but I noticed that even though I love all of the things that she talks about, I knew she didn't talk about God. And I knew that's what I was supposed to be doing. So that is something, even though I'm a motivator, even though I'm an educator, I share what I'm going through in my faith in real time. What I'm going through in real time. What's going on in my life in real time. And that makes me different from her podcast and almost every single faith podcast out there right now. Number five start small You don't want to put too much on your plate at one time It's very important to master one thing at a time when I first started I focused on just being comfortable in front of the mic. I knew being on video would have been way too much for me to handle because I would have been focusing on understanding and knowing what I'm talking about, looking at the camera. It was just too much for me personally. So I decided to just do audio in the beginning and then I focused on ramping it up. How can I do better while I'm talking? The next week I focused on consistency and showing up where I start posting on social media. But if I would have did all of those things at once on day one, that would have been way too much for me to handle. Then you have to think about Pre recording versus recording in real time. I personally am not a fan of batching podcast episodes. It feels like a job. It feels like work to me. It doesn't feel like it flows and you just have to be realistic with yourself and understand what works for you. But just know you have the capability to always change your mind. You don't have to stick to it if it's not working for you anymore. Which leads me to number six. It doesn't have to be perfect. You have the capability of changing. You can start somewhere and evolve that thing as you evolve. When I first started this podcast, I had a green cover where I wrote best believe on top, the journey to our dreams, and I made it on Canva. And that's what I had to work with. I didn't have the money to pay for someone to do the really expensive artwork and I still don't. But as I evolved, I figured out a way to change the cover with the budget that I had then. So it's about working with what you have. But you can't allow something so small as a podcast cover cause you to procrastinate in moving forward because it's not exactly how you want it. Because at the end of the day... It's about the content that you're creating to help impact someone else's life and that's not to say your cover is not important. That's not what I'm saying. I just don't want you to allow that to be an excuse for you to not start podcast Because people will use that as a way to not put their podcast out. Number