Best Believe

PEP TALK: 8 Tips To Overcome a Mistake | EP 30

mikaela johnson

Being hard on yourself for a mistake you made? This is exactly what you need to help you get out of your own way and continue moving forward✨

In this episode we discuss:
- Why it's important to not be too hard on yourself
- Why you get distant from God the second you make a mistake
- The importance of analyzing what caused the circumstance and how to prevent it from happening again
- What it truly means to adjust your focus
- How letting go and forgiving yourself will provide you freedom
- Questions to ask yourself in the moments you make a mistake
- 8 tips to help you overcome the guilt from the mistake
- Why it's important to keep your faith
- How I made a mistake and the mindset I utilized


- Need help in your walk with Christ? Book a 1:1 mentorship call HERE
-  FREE Held Captive: The Path To Freedom E-Book:  HERE
- Want to ask me a question? Send a DM to Best Believe's Instagram
- Let's connect:
- Crisis and distress relief: Made By The Word Podcast
- Get healthy with me & earn income: HERE

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- Need help in your walk with Christ? Book a 1:1 mentorship call HERE
-  FREE Held Captive: The Path To Freedom E-Book:  HERE
- Want to ask me a question? Send a DM to Best Believe's Instagram
- Let's connect:
- Crisis and distress relief: Made By The Word Podcast
- Get healthy with me & earn income: HERE

- Please make sure to leave 5 stars if I helped inspire you in any way😭💗
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- Intro beat x Sparxx
- Thank you to @emanueldaprophet for giving me permission to share his music, it's LIFE CHANGING, make sure you check him out and tell him I sent you✨ song playing: Verse Of The Day


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Welcome to the best blue podcast. I'm your host McKayla. Thank you to everyone who continues to subscribe continues to show up and share. I read every single review that you guys leave and they make my heart so happy and melt. And I really want to talk about. Overcoming mistakes and providing you eight tips to help you get through it. And I know that there are plenty of people who make mistakes in their lives and use that mistake to be hard on themselves and become stagnant, which ultimately guides them away from the Lord. Instead of. Allowing that exact mistake too. Be closer to him. And allow him to take that burden off of us off of our lives. And the exact mistake that you think is tearing. You away from the Lord is the exact thing that if you brought to him would allow you to become closer. To him. And I know for me, I've made plenty of mistakes in my lifetime. But it was about how I overcame that mistake. And. Let go of what happened so that I can move forward. And with that, Came eight things that I'm going to share with you today. And this is going to be a short episode. It's going to be a pep talk, which I know that these are your favorite episodes because you can listen to them and the shower on your way to work. Whether you're in a workout or you just need a quick anxiety relief, you know that I got you. I believe that the holy spirit really wants me to talk about this. Not only because I recently made a mistake. But because. There is someone else. Who made a mistake and they didn't want to go to church anymore because they felt guilty. They felt nervous. And this is why this episode is going to be very important for your walk and your journey with the Lord, because we are not perfect. And I remember at one point. I was so hard on myself. And I did basically everything right. That I felt incapable of making a mistake. And the moment that I did. I beat myself up about it. And. Didn't necessarily know what to do other than to distance myself. From him. From the Lord. And I had to be understanding that even someone who is strong. Someone who really lives for Christ. Can also make mistakes and that at the end of the day, I can't do anything. Without him. I need him to help guide my steps for me to get to the vision. And the journey that he has called me and chosen me to. Tip number one for when you make a mistake. Own it. When you neglect that you made a mistake or you cannot admit to it. Or you can't apologize for it. You are going to feel very uneasy. And your mind and your spirit, and you're going to move. Very cautiously. Instead of living freely. Tip number two. Forgive yourself. Forgive yourself for not being strong. Forgive yourself for not being perfect. Because you won't be. That strength comes from the Lord. Like I was saying earlier, I can do absolutely nothing without him. And I must rely on him every step of the way in the moment. That my mind is not focused on him. Or that I can't forgive myself as he is forgiving me. I'm holding onto that. Burden. And I'm allowing myself. To have that dis ease. Tip number three is going to be communicate. And when I say communicate. That is to the person you made the mistake with that is to the Lord. And when I speak to the Lord and I communicate to him, I imagine. As if he's sitting right next to me. Like a real person would be, and just saying what's on my heart saying what's on my mind. That allows me to open up and feel like I'm not hiding anything. Even though he already knows what I'm thinking. It feels better when you say a loud and Matthew seven seven says, ask. and you shall receive. knock and the door will be open. So if you do not knock on the door, if you don't communicate how you're feeling, how can he. Respond to you. And take that off of your chest off of your mind, off of your spirit and allow you to walk. in that feeling of being free. Number one is own it too. Forgive yourself. Three is communicate. Number four reflect. What opened the door to that mistake? How did you contribute to it? These are questions that I want you to ask yourself whenever you find yourself in a situation. Of unexpected change. Unexpected mistakes. Because we can't always assume that it's the enemy. A lot of the time, it's us. Not taking the time to reflect. On. A certain situation or circumstance. Which makes that situation. loop and become a cycle. And it's time to break those cycles. So I want you to think about how you can prevent. That mistake from happening again. And that doesn't mean again, that you're going to be perfect. But it does allow you to take ownership for what you did. Number five, adjust your focus. I want you to analyze your current thoughts. And taking note. of, what's replaying in your head over and over what soundtrack. Is playing. And are you holding on to those thoughts? Is your perspective, focused on everything that you're doing wrong, not just in that moment, but in your lifetime. And how can you adjust your focus on. Moving forward. And a positive way. In a way that. Allows your mind to be free, that allows you to be confident. in the Lord and confident. in him. Taking that bondage and breaking those chains within your mind. Because our actions can never change until our belief system changes. Which takes me to number six facts over feelings. You have to combat how you feel. With scripture. Scripture is the one thing that will hold you down. When everything seems to rock and be shaky. It allows you to rely on his word. And not your own thoughts. Because subconsciously we pick up the thoughts of everyone around us. Subconsciously, we pick up the actions of everyone around us. But when we have the scripture to hold on to. It allows us to not move. Based on our feelings. But by faith. One, oh, net two, forgive yourself. Three, communicate four reflect. Five adjust your focus. Six facts over feelings. Seven is getting back in routine. And this to me was something that was really hard. Because the mistake. That you make makes you feel like you're not worthy. And you slowly start removing yourself from the place that you worked so hard to be. And to me that looked like getting out of my routine. I stopped seeking. The kingdom first, when I woke up in the morning. I stopped watching my sermons every day. I felt myself becoming distant. And it wasn't until I really took the steps and the uncomfortableness of. Fighting against that feeling. And just getting back a routine anyways, no matter how I felt. And like I said, I'm not perfect. So that happened for a few days. But my focus wasn't on what I did wrong. It's about how I stood up for myself and continued to move forward. Getting back in that routine. And getting back a routine for me, look like. Seeking the kingdom in the morning when I woke up. It looked like. Getting back on track and my workouts. It looked like not being hard on myself, giving myself grace, just as God gives me grace. And I know this step is going to be very tough for a lot of people because when they do something wrong, or they're being very hard on themselves. They don't want to go to the places that feed their minds like church, like their community groups. And when you get back in routine, the covering that God has placed in your life is going to help you back on that right track back on that road. And number eight, keep your faith. Keep faith. And the vision that God has over your life. Keep faith. In the fact that no matter what, no matter if you fall or stumble, he's going to be right there to pick you up. And what you're going through in this moment will not last forever seasons, always change. That's what's so comforting. Is that. What you're going through right now, the feelings you have right now will not be there forever. You are constantly evolving and becoming. A woman or God, a man of God. And I like to think of mistakes as unexpected change. Which is a crisis. Crisis brings opportunity. Crisis brings growth. Crisis brings innovation and realignment. And a verse that I really love, which is James one, two. Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. So know that. Even though you may be in a crisis right now. Joy is coming. What you sow in tears, you shall reap. in joy. And though you might have tears as you're planting. You have joy as you walk away. This is only something. That Jesus can do. So when you're having the thoughts of. I can't do this. Or nothing I'm doing seems to be enough. No that even though you messed up. He is there for us. We need him every single step of the way. I can't do this on my own. And I know that. And I want you to hold onto those thoughts. Because the more you rely on him, the more you seek him, the more peace you are going to have. You got to keep moving. You can not allow yourself. Or this mistake to keep you stagnant and where you are. Have the mindset of, even if I have to drag myself, To that vision, I will not quit. And I remember when I went through the toughest. Time of my life. I had to crawl a fight every single day to keep moving. And at the time. I didn't have the wisdom or the knowledge that I did now. So that is why I'm telling you. That no matter how hard it feels. Whatever you're going through. It is going to get better. Do not distance yourself from him. Based off of a mistake. He's going. To EGMR and he's going to provide you that peace. Get back in the word, get back in routine. Keep your faith. On your mistakes. And no. That it's facts over your feelings. I pray. This was the encouragement that you needed. For your day, for your week, for your month. That this is something you hold on to. That it engraves into your spirit. And see our minds. And if he needs to write this down, write it down. Make it easier on yourself. So when a time of crisis comes, you have something to resort to immediately. You don't have to think about it. I love you and I'm proud of you, and I'm thankful for you that you take time out of your day to work on yourself, to feed your mind. And if this episode impacted you in any way, please take 30 seconds and leave a five star review and write. What it is that helped you? That's transforming your life. And know that every crisis that you have in your life. Is only going to bring you closer to him. Bye.